+8801709298051, + 8801709298052, Telephone: +88-02-55098480

Customer Policy: To always focus on the customer; because the customer’s satisfaction is our inspiration.

Business Policy: To conduct the business with high integrity.

Employee Policy: To nurture the best human resource through training & motivation.

Quality Policy: To consistently develop high quality Elevator Products to keep our standard above others.

Environment Policy: To address environmental issues apparently & clearly on our activities in line.

Future Policy: To endeavor innovation to excel in every aspect of our operation.

Our Vision

We shall endeavor to excel in every aspect of our operation and thereby provide quality products and services to our customers. Our organization will have a challenging and satisfying working environment so that the talents and potential of our human resource is given the full opportunity to blossom & grow. We shall maintain a high degree of integrity in our business conduct and this characteristic will prevail in our dealings with our customers, our suppliers, our contractors, our financiers, our employees & indeed our entire society.

Our Clients

Here from the satisfied customers who trust our services